Norman Hannay founded Elder Care Guides, now Windward Life Care, in 2004, and has been a practicing care manager in San Diego since 1993. He holds a bachelor of science degree in psychology from Trinity College in Hartford, and a master of professional studies (hospitality administration) from Cornell University. He earned a post-graduate certificate in geriatric counseling from the University of California at San Diego, and is certified by the National Academy of Certified Care Managers. Norman is a long-time member and Fellow of the Aging Life Care Association, an indication of his significant leadership within the profession, and contributions to the association. In 2000, he was awarded the prestigious Adele Elkind award for his commitment to the advancement of the field of professional geriatric care management, and collegial support and mentorship to others. Norman is an active member of the California Association for Health Services at Home, and the Home Care Association of America, and participates in local and statewide advocacy efforts to support the passage of fair legislation that protects the vulnerable aged and disabled recipients of home care services, and upholds fair wages for our home care aides.
“I find working with the team at Windward Life Care inspirational, because we have a dedicated group of professionals from a range of different backgrounds working together to improve our clients’ lives and provide good employment for our Home Care Aides. The difficult situations we face are made manageable when we collaborate and problem-solve together, and through our shared sense of trust in one another. I strive to keep our team working with a clear focus and a common commitment to the purpose-driven care of our clients.”